Download a PDF Brochure about-ietf-long.pdf
ISOC and AFRINIC are organising a Hackathon to bring together engineers who are interested in learning about the IETF and how IETF standards can be applied to code. The hackathon looks to encourage developers to discuss, collaborate and develop utilities, ideas, sample code and solutions that show practical implementations of IETF standards.
When: Saturday May 27th and Sunday May 28th, 2017
Where: Boma Inn Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
Room: KIFARU Room (Upstairs in the conference room)
Contact person Kevin Chege (
The Hackathon is free to attend to successful applicants
Topic Lead: Joe Abley
The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the key infrastructures of the Internet allowing humans to remember names rather than numbers (IP addresses) when looking for devices/content on the Internet. A proposed topic aims to work on how DNS traffic is captured and stored. In particular, we will explore CBOR, a standard, binary format for structured data, and the proposal to use CBOR to store DNS (request, response) pairs, C-DNS, draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-capture-format-02.
Presentation: cbordns_jabley.pdf
Work with PCAP:
Topic Lead: Fernando Gont (
IPv6 Challenge - fgont-ais2017-hackathon.pdf
Day #2
RFC Documents for review
IPv6 Lab test
Topic Lead: Codarren Velvindron (
Saturday, May 27th 08:00: Room opens 09:00: Introduction and Opening 09:30: DNS refresher 09:45: IPv6 refresher 10:00: Open Chat and Goal Setting 10.30: Break 12:30: Lunch provided 15:30: Afternoon break - Snacks provided 17:00: End of Day 1 Sunday, May 28th 09:00: Room opens - Pastries and coffee provided 12:30: Lunch provided 13:30: Hacking stops, prepare brief presentation of project 14:00: Project presentation to other participants and judges 15:00: Recap and suggestions for improvements 15:30: Awards presented, prizes given 16:00: Hackathon ends 17:00: Tear down complete - End of Day 2